This Highland Cows Weekly Chore Chart Printable is a fun addition to any homestead. It’s easy to keep track of daily tasks with this handy chart! Grab the FREE download now!
Use this fun farm animal chore chart to keep track of daily tasks on the homestead. I suggest adding your own items depending on your homestead needs such as get eggs, feed cows, throw scratch for hens OR use it to keep track of goal setting items like- drink 10 glasses of water, eat fruit, etc.
Highland Cows Weekly Chore Chart
I made one for our barn to help us keep track of chores when we are outside. I always find we forget something when we come inside, and it’s always such a hassle- especially with kids and bad weather- to get geared up again and go out.
Free Printable
I suggest printing on cardstock and laminating it or putting it in a fun rustic frame and use as a dry erase board.
Place it in the barn, kitchen, or your family command centre to make sure the daily chores are done.
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