Christmas is about spending time together as a family. Why not give the gift of making memories together and enjoying the spirit of the holiday season by starting 12 Days of Christmas family fun traditions!

Christmas can easily become a stressful time of year, let alone a financial burden. Starting frugal traditions together as a family is a great way to ease the stress and reconnect with the meaning of the season. No matter your beliefs.
When we started celebrating Christmas with our children we wanted to continue some of our favourite childhood traditions and recreate those fond memories with our little ones. We want our children to enjoy the spirit of Christmas and not get carried away or caught up in the commercialism of the holiday.
If your looking to start some “traditions” for your kids during the Christmas season then check out the list below. These are fun traditions that your family will look forward to every year, and maybe even pass on to their children!
Just because it’s Christmas, doesn’t mean you can’t make it your own! Here’s a list of ideas based on the “12 days of Christmas” (beginning at Dec. 14th and going until Christmas day.) You can do them all-or just adopt a few that fit best with your clan!
Heres a my list of 12 Christmas Family Fun Ideas to try this year!
12 Days of Christmas Family Fun
On the 1st Day of Christmas my true love gave to me a Partridge in a pear tree!
Celebrate the day by starting your 12 days of Christmas by getting your Christmas tree. Visit a Christmas Tree farm and take family photos choosing your perfect tree, make sure to get a cup of hot chocolate and a tasty holiday cookie to enjoy the moment as well.
Make sure your tree is dry before setting it up in the house, and doesn’t contain any wild life!
Have fun decorating it with the kids and hanging special ornaments. Last year the kids napped and we surprised them when they woke up with our tree up and decorated. It was pretty memorable!
On the 2nd Day of Christmas my true love two turtle doves
You can’t go wrong with Old Fashioned Christmas cookies
Grab the Baked with Love Label for free and stick it on a cookie tin or brown paper bag.
Here are 15 Cute and Clever Ways to Package Christmas Cookies!
On the 3rd Day of Christmas my true love gave to me 3 French hens
Handmade Christmas Cards aren’t quite the same as french hens, but they are a close second to bringing holiday cheer. Get organized by writing a list of who to give cards to, gather your supplies and be inspired with our recent post for making your own handmade Christmas cards.
One fun way we have the toddlers get involved when making cards for all occasions is by tracing their hands and writing their name on the inside. They love it, and the grandparents find it super sweet. – Credit goes to my teacher-mom friend, Camille.

On the 4th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me 4 calling birds
Having a holiday movie marathon, or choosing a movie to watch every night leading up to the holidays is a great way to get into the spirit of Christmas.
I always love to watch some of my childhood favourites like a Charlie Brown Christmas, Home Alone and The Santa Clause.
If you’re into predicable love stories then make sure to check out the top Christmas Movies of 2019 on Netflix list here.
On the 5th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me 5 golden rings
Check out the Christmas Lights! Wear Pajamas and bring blankets for a warm and cozy drive. A fun way to go see Christmas Lights is to do a scavenger hunt, or go in a convoy with friends and family and use two way radios to chat about what you see.
Some communities put together a Christmas Light Up List of houses to see.
The week before Christmas is the perfect time to go, when everyone makes sure to have their lights up and on!
On the 6th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me 6 geese a laying
Reading Christmas stories is another way to teach children about the spirit of Christmas and to prepare for the holiday together. Visit your local library and take out books early for the holidays, or pull out your holiday collection.
I like to give a holiday book every Christmas and I pack them away with our decorations.
Check out The Ultimate List of Best Books for Kids for inspiration for book selection.
7. GET A PHOTO WITH Santa Clause
On the 7th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me 7 swans a swimming
Visit your local shopping centre or holiday gathering spot and get a picture with Santa Clause.
Much like the Christmas Books, I frame the Santa photo and use it as part of the holiday decorations. I pack it away and add the new picture every year. It’s a fun way to look back at the old photos.
On the 8th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me 8 maids a milking
Depending on your climate, you may go outdoors or go to an ice arena to enjoy the sport of sledding or skating. Check out decorated areas and enjoy another cup of hot chocolate.
On the 9th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me 9 ladies dancing
Once the tree is up and the house is decorated it’s nice to enjoy each others company in the space. Put the technology away and turn on some Christmas tunes. Have a dance party, a games night or do a family holiday puzzle together.
I particularly like this Buffalo Games Country Christmas by Darrell Bush-1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle.
On the 10th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me a 10 lords a leaping
If you haven’t already done so, go ahead and decorate your house! There’s lots of great frugal decorating ideas online to check out and free printables.
I’ve made these Free Rustic Christmas Printables to decorate my home this holiday season. Go ahead and download them now to add to your decor.
On the 11th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me 11 pipers piping
Christmas is about the spirit of giving. Kindness is a free, easy and meaningful gift to give especially over the holidays. Together as a family choose a random act of kindness to do together for others.
Check out these 6 acts of Christmas Kindness for some inspiration.
12. Christmas Eve BOXES
On the 12th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me 12 drummers drumming
Christmas Eve is easily just as magical as Christmas morning with all the anticipation for the big day.
Make Christmas Eve extra special with a family Christmas Eve box.
This doesn’t have to be ANOTHER GIFT, but can be in lue of or filled with handmade items that can cost next to nothing. Heres some ideas, reindeer food, cookies, hot chocolate mix, a Christmas movie, holiday pjs, etc.
Here’s even moresuper simple ideas for creating your own Christmas Eve Box.
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Best what can be in the world is Family !