Are you looking to start or add new prompts to your journaling routine? Look no further for healthy, simple living journal prompts to help you have the best fall season yet.
In this post, I have listed 90 + Journal prompts, enough for one day of the season.
Get new journal prompts for the Fall season. This is enough to use one prompt for every day during Autumn, from September 22nd to December 21st.
These writing prompts not only ask questions about fall in general, but also address healthy lifestyle changes and habits for the season, including creating a fall bucket list, getting more exercise, fun time with family and friends
switching up daily routines and making simple changes.
Simplify your life this fall with a small daily journaling break. Use these prompts to help you get started with a fresh start, stay healthy and be prepared as we slow down into the days leading to winter.
SIMPLE LIVING Fall Journal Prompts
1. What are your plans for the fall season? Take it easy and only do these five homesteading tasks!
2. Write down some items on your bucket list. Need some ideas ? Read our Fall Bucket list here.
3. What does having a healthy fall mean to you?
4. What are some changes you want to make this season?
5. Write down the new habits you want to introduce. Try tracking them with a fun rainbow colouring sheet on the fridge or your desk space!
6. Write down some old, bad habits to get rid of.
7. How can you have more time with your family?
8. Plan out a weekly family night.
9. How can you eat dinner together more often?
10. What are some outdoor workouts you enjoy?
Add these journal prompts to the top of each page in your journal to spark daily journal writing.
Grab our printable copy of the fall journal here.
11. What indoor activities can you do on rainy days? Here are some fun ideas.
12. List some ways to get more fresh air this season.
13. Write down new places to get exercise you haven’t tried before.
14. Are you more of a hiking, cycling, or walking person?
15. What has the weather been like recently?
16. Write about creating a new skincare routine for the season.
17. What has been going right in your morning routine?
18. What improvements does your morning routine need? Take a peak at my morning routine here.
19. Where in your day can you fit extra activities?
20. What part of your routine do you no longer connect with?
21. Draw some pictures in your journal of what fall means to you.
22. What is your favorite form of journaling?
23. How has journaling improved your life?
24. How can you fit in more journaling time?
25. What are some physical activities you can do as a family?
26. What creative activities can you do with your kids?
27. Add a few more things to your fall bucket list.
28. What are some good memories from the past fall?
29. Plan a game night with friends.
30. If you could meet up with any friend, who would it be?
Benefits of Journaling
Journaling is a healthy practice to incorporate into your daily life. journaling can help control symptoms of stress and fatigue in your day to day life.
You may have heard me say before, homesteading is hard work. Striving to lead a simpler life doesn’t always make life simpler.
Using journal prompts to write daily can help improve your positive self talk, recognize triggers and help you deal with problems, fears and concerns. It also boosts your memory and cognitive processing.
It’s also a great creative outlet, especially when you use unique vintage journal pens like this and have an excuse to carve out me time more often.
So go ahead and journal!
31. What is your favorite season?
32. What do you miss about summer?
33. What are you looking forward to this fall?
34. Do you struggle with sweets this season?
35. Write down your Halloween plans.
36. How do you like to improve your healthy habits?
37. Do you go all-in or change habits slowly?
38. Do you share your plans or keep them to yourself?
39. What fall seasonal produce can you use more of?
40. Write down some healthy recipes you want to try.
Other Journal Styles
There are so many types and purposes for journals. We start a form of journal writing at an early age as children and even up to university are encouraged to keep an educational journal.
In our adult lives, journaling can help us through hard times life grief, depression, change and finding more joy in the day to day.
I’ve created a variety of printable journals to help you on your own personal journey, where ever you may be.
Thanksgiving 30 Days of Gratitude Journal
41. Do you enjoy cooking?
42. What is your favorite thing to cook for your family?
43. Do you make elaborate Thanksgiving meals?
44. Write down 3 healthy meals to try this season.
45. How are you feeling mid-way through fall?
46. What bucket list items do you still want to get done?
47. How can you have a more positive mindset?
48. What were some causes of stress recently?
49. In what ways are you dealing with your stress?
50. What cheers you up no matter what?
51. List ways you can be more mindful.
52. How often do you stay present?
53. Have you tried meditation?
54. Do a few minutes of breathing exercises, then write in your journal.
55. Today, try a brain dump of anything that is on your mind.
56. What is a challenging part of journaling for you?
57. How can you get more natural light on gloomy days?
58. Do you struggle with SAD?
59. How can you feel better on dark, cold days?
60. What has been the best part of this season?
Create a Journaling Routine
Starting new habits or even keeping healthy habits such as journaling can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. I suggest choosing a time of day either in the morning or evening and a place to journal. Find a designated area in your home to practice journaling.
Why not get a tray, add a pretty tea cup with your just for journaling pens. Add something to set the scene like a candle, incense or essential oil diffuser. Use a place mat or fabric panel and carry the tray to your special sitting spot to journal.
61. Make a fall cleaning plan.
62. What organizing do you want to do? Start with a simple kitchen!
63. Write about some big projects at home you want to tackle.
64. What is something you have been putting off?
65. How can you redecorate your space?
66. Write how to get more vitamin C in your diet.
67. What are some favorite rainy day activities?
68. What do you enjoy doing indoors with family?
69. Who are 3 people you could call in a time of need?
70. Spend a day unplugging, then journal about your experience.
71. List 5 things you have gotten done this season.
72. List 5 things you are looking forward to in the winter. Winter Bucketlist Activities to inspire you.
73. Highlight 3 things on your bucket list to still get done.
74. When you have a day off, what do you enjoy the most?
75. How are your healthy changes going so far?
76. What have you added to your daily routine?
77. How can you improve your nighttime routine?
78. Do you struggle with sleep?
79. How relaxed do you feel when you get into bed?
80. How are you using mindfulness or meditation to help you sleep?
81. What do you think about before sleep?
82. Write about a fun memory from your childhood.
83. Write down words that describe your feelings about fall.
84. How can you have more down time?
85. What healthy habits are no longer resonating?
86. Start planning your new years’ resolutions.
87. What is still on your fall bucket list?
88. What are your plans for the winter?
89. What do you feel grateful for?
90. What was your favorite memory this season?
91. Start writing out your winter bucket list.
Go ahead and print off this entire list of fall journal prompts, including daily pages to start your fall journal today.
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