Imagine if you could learn from the experts on how to manage your time to increase your productivity and find joy while meeting your homesteading goals. Well you can. Welcome to the Happy Homestead Interview Series.
Every Monday I invite homesteaders who have conquered this challenge to share their stories, from realizing they could homestead where they are to building a homestead that meets their families needs, dreams and goals.
If you want to quit your job, and purse your homestead dreams wholeheartedly, read on to learn how you too can have a productive and happy homestead to discover your homesteading purpose, find success and live the life you want to.
Homesteading Blogs leading the way in 2021
If we’ve learned anything, this decade is all about leading a more self sufficient lifestyle that helps us connect with each other, our food and our planet.
I’m interviewing the best homesteaders that I know that are leading the way of living a handmade homegrown lifestyle to sustain their families while still enjoying a simple happier life.
Today I’m extremely excited to share with you my friend Mindy, she is a master at gardening and homesteading. Mindy is an expert on how to make time to homestead.
In this Interview you’ll learn from Mindy
- How to homestead without a piece of property
- How to stay true to yourself as a homesteader
- Her secrets to staying motivated
1. How and when did you start your homesteading journey?
I began homesteading slowly. It started as a way to save money when I changed jobs to a lower-paying industry.
But then I started learning about toxins in the environment (and many products) and realized that making and growing my own food would also be helpful in improving my family’s health.
I also knew that working a typical 9-5 job and coming home to watch TV wasn’t the life I wanted, so I began exploring homesteading.
I started with a simple compost pile and converting favorite recipes into real food-based recipes. The homesteading bug grew from there!
2. How big is your property and what does your homestead look like? (what do you grow and raise?)
I don’t own property.
I have rented apartments and houses, all of which I have homesteaded at. I have raised chickens for eggs and I have had gardens as small as a balcony or indoor garden to as large as 100-200 sqft.
I love growing heirloom varieties that you simply can’t find in a grocery store!
3. What are your biggest struggles or least favourite parts about homesteading?
My biggest struggle with homesteading is probably the same one most people have — just finding a way to get it all done.
What I have realized though is that we live at the absolute perfect time. We can pursue traditional skills while at the same time, take advantage of modern convenience.
I’ve learned that it’s okay not to do all the things.
The goal is to create a life that is meaningful, fun, and simple.
Sometimes that will mean running the clothes dryer instead of hanging the clothes, or buying applesauce instead of making it.
I still struggle with being okay with what I can feasibly do with the time and energy I have, but it’s been an important lesson to learn.
4. What does a typical day look like?
When I’m operating at full capacity, a day will start with feeding and caring for chickens and checking in on the garden.
Midday will be work/school, appointments, cooking and preserving, etc.
The evening is usually a good time to go back out to the garden and work on building soil or harvesting. Then I’ll put the chickens to bed.
When I’m in a slower season I focus more on making healthy food, even if it doesn’t come from the garden. I’ll ferment veggies from the farmer’s market or come up with a new recipe for the produce I got on sale at the grocery store.
Honestly, homesteading never looks the same from day to day and season to season!
5. How do you stay motivated?
The way I stay motivated with homesteading is that I keep my “why” in the back of my head.
The reason I homestead is to create a healthier life for my family and to be more intimately connected to nature. If what I’m doing helps me to reach that goal then I’m happy!
I try not to worry about whether I’m homestead-y enough because that will just lead to burnout.
Also, taking a break when it’s needed is a good way to re-center and regain enthusiasm for homesteading after burnout.
6. How do you celebrate success after finishing a project?
Not to sound corny (it will!), but finishing a project feels like it’s own reward. I love the feeling I get after I do something hard and succeed. But a nice home grown meal with friends and family isn’t a bad idea either!
Most homesteaders find the greatest joy in completing projects but don’t forget to celebrate your successes no matter how big or small. This makes the journey memorable and not just about the destination. For more celebration ideas grab our cheatsheet here.
7. What advice would you give someone who wants to start homesteading?
Just do it.
Don’t wait for the money, the land, the time, etc.
You can start small with the resources you have and grow as you learn. The first step is always the hardest!
If you could speak face to face with yourself when you first started your business, what pearls of wisdom would you impart?
I think what I would say is
“girl, you better get some self-confidence or you won’t be doing much of anything!”
A huge lesson I’ve learned over the years is to believe in myself and my abilities!
What are you most looking forward to for 2021?
I’m looking forward to growing more food and herbs and jumping into new homesteading adventures!
Mindy Wood is the founder of Our Inspired Roots, the place to go for inspiration and instruction on homesteading and natural living for better health.
Learn to grow and cook healthy food and rely more on natural medicine and remedies.
I met Mindy through the Herb Bundle Giveaway Bundle and The Gardening and Sustainable Living Bundle.
Thank you Mindy for sharing your experience and expertise with us.
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